DreadHeadHQ About Us

So you might be wondering who we are, where we're from, and how we came to found the HQ of DreadHeads. I started DreadHeadHQ as a web design project, while drawing caricatures and deciding what I wanted to do with my life. I had recently started my own dreads and I was surprised how hard it was to find good info. I was looking for an excuse to make a webpage so I started putting together a dreadlocks site. I assembled a ton of info from interviews with locticians, people with good dreads and web surveys. Soon I had enough good info to help people and I was answering loads of dread questions each day, adding on to the site as I went. A lot of people were looking for better products and through my father I had access to everything I needed to create some. Things began to fall into place. Early on I hooked up with Knotty Sloan and we began to develop Dread Head into the multi-billion dollar enterprise that it is today mmm yea right! - Actually it's still just Knotty Sloan and I but I think we do a good job of looking legit. =]

Seriously though, one thing we don't talk about much on our site is the people that make up Dread Head. At first it was because we were just starting out and we didn't want our unusually small size to scare people away. Then it seemed like a good idea to maintain a larger professional image to build trust with dealers and distributors. Now that we feel more established and we've been at this for years we are letting the dreads out of the tam and letting everyone know just how small we really are. Now that's not to say we don't have some help from family and friends, but a typical day at the HQ involves Knotty Sloan in her room/office and Me in my room/office working our knotty little butts off and although we stay mad busy, it works well. Doing stuff ourselves keeps us small and very connected with our customers. We have begun to see our small size as our greatest strength. Regulars like that fact that we remember who they are when they email and it's easy to understand how being small allows us to respond quickly to customers needs. We also know for a fact that everyone here is as dedicated as we are..and loves dreads just as much as we do.  : )  We strive to make products that really work and exceed all expectations. We want to help people attain the kind of dreads they want, whether they be, big nasties, groomed and clean, or anything in between.

Everyone's heard big corporations drone on about how they take pride in their company. It sounds good, but when that warm tingly feeling wears off you have to wonder. If your company employs enough people to populate a small town, how many people are "taking pride" and how many are just waiting for five o'clock. A good many of them are probably in the process of looking for another job, quite a few may already be working two jobs. Do they "take pride" in both jobs?

At Dread Head our situation is quite different. When it's your company each person you interact with is your customer and every part of that interaction is important to you. Every word of praise and each criticism is important. We dedicate an overwhelming majority of our lives to Dread Head and when we make customers happy life is good. We measure how well we're doing by your response to us, our site and our products.

Of course we couldn't do it without the help of friends, family and our amazing and loyal customers, who not only support us by choosing to use our stuff but also manage to use their connections and creativity to tell people about us and help us spread the dread from college campuses to retirement homes. Look Grandma dreaded her hair!


Read about some of the ways DreadHeadHQ helps conserve the earth's resources.